Tune into Florida Radio Show Today for Winter Wellness Tips

If you are in the Coral Springs, Fl. area today, tune in to “Tunie’s Health Line” on The Health & Wealth Network (WWNN 1470 AM) to hear Boiron pharmacist Christophe Merville’s interview with hosts and nutritionists Jolie Root and Jeff Donigan. Dr. Merville will explore natural treatment options, including homeopathic medicines such as Oscillococcinum for flu-like symptoms and Arnicare for muscle pain and bruising.

“Tunie’s Health Line” airs every Monday from 12 to 1 p.m. on 1470 AM, The Health & Wealth Network. Not from the Coral Springs area? Listen to the show live on the web. “Health Line” is brought to you by Tunie’s Natural Grocery & Vitamin Supercenter, Florida’s largest natural grocery, vitamin and nutrition store. Visit Tunie’s at www.tunies.com.

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