Our Commitment
As world leader in homeopathic medicines, Boiron is committed to lead by example.
We believe there’s a better way to feel better. Since 1932, our company has been dedicated to providing the purest medicines using sustainable practices. Quality has always been our passion and your well-being is our goal. Our focus on quality of life for each and every person is the true purpose of Boiron. We remain committed to our pursuit of a holistic vision of health care for all in a way that’s better for you, the environment, and our community.
Our Commitment to the Environment
We have a strong sense of obligation to respect the environment. The preparation of our medicines has a limited impact on the environment. The main effects derive from extracting raw materials (continuity of species gathered), water pollution (mainly organic and biodegradable), and waste. As a counterbalance, we promote re-supplying wild and organically-farmed plants when possible. This, in turn, improves the quality of raw materials we use and the future of our medicines.
Additionally, we work with botanist-harvesters well-versed in diagnosing the land and employing harvesting strategies to anticipate continuity of supplies for the future. They generally harvest plants from their natural surroundings, which are then made into medicines according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States.
Our Commitment to Our Employees
It is our deep conviction that the key to the performance and the growth of our company depends on the creativity and motivation of all concerned. We strive to promote personal and professional growth in an environment that fosters dialogue and self-confidence with the ability to advance with paid professional development and continuing education. In turn, the employees have a vested interest in the company’s performance.
In 2019, we redesigned and renovated our U.S. headquarters to benefit the everyday experience of our employees. Updates include an open concept layout with huddle spaces and breakout rooms to nurture collaboration and inspire creativity. With a focus on health and wellness, a large cafeteria for communal eating, a wellness room, and personalized ergonomic workstations have also been added.
Our Commitment to Our Community
We are committed to giving back to the community in which we work. We support organizations who missions center around health, education, and homeopathy.

The American Association of Homeopathic Pharmacists (AAHP) is a trade organization with the principle mission of promoting excellence in the practice of homeopathic pharmacy, manufacturing, marketing and distribution by supporting industry regulations to provide safe, effective homeopathic medicines to consumers, retailers, and healthcare practitioners. Boiron has been a proud member of this not-for-profit alliance since opening its doors in the U.S. in 1983.

The Boiron Medicinal Garden, in partnership with the Rodale Institute, is an educational showcase for flowers and herbs used in manufacturing homeopathic medicines. The garden, which opened to the public in June 2015, is located at the institute’s multipurpose 333-acre farm in Kutztown, Pa. The medicinal garden includes Arnica montana (mountain daisy), Calendula officinalis (garden marigold), Chamomilla (chamomile), Hypericum perforatum (St. John’s Wort), Ruta gravolens (rue), Symphytum officinale (comfrey), and many other therapeutic plants found in some of Boiron’s most popular medicines.

The Consumer Healthcare Products Association (CHPA) is the leading voice fighting to ensure that Americans have access to over-the-counter (OTC) medications, dietary supplements, and consumer medical devices they can count on to be reliable, save money and time, and deliver new and better ways to get and stay healthy. Since 2009, this association has represented Boiron as a manufacturer member.

Holistic Moms Network (HMN) is a national nonprofit organization connecting parents who are interested in holistic health and green living. HMN’s mission is to generate national awareness, education and support for holistic parenting and green living by providing nurturing, open-minded and respectful local community networks that encourage families to share these ideals and learn from each other. Boiron is a proud national sponsor of HMN.

The National Center for Homeopathy (NCH) is non-profit organization dedicated to promoting health through homeopathy by advancing the use and practice of homeopathy. NCH supports education in, awareness of, and increased access to homeopathy. Boiron is proud to be a partner in their large, diverse community and has generously donated the Medicine Finder app as a resource for their website.

The Natural Products Association (NPA), founded in 1936, is the largest and oldest nonprofit organization dedicated to the natural products industry. Including Boiron, NPA represents over 1,900 members accounting for more than 10,000 retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors of natural products, including foods, dietary supplements, and health/beauty aids. As the leading voice of the natural products industry, NPA’s mission is to advocate for the rights of consumers to have access to products that will maintain and improve their health, and for the rights of retailers and suppliers to sell these products.