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Use checkout code SUMMERTIMEFUN10 for 10% off Calendula and On the Go medicines

New Year, New You

Last updated on July 28th, 2022 at 10:39 am

Do you have plans to make a change for the better in 2017? If so, you’re in good company! Fifty-eight percent of the population makes a New Year’s resolution.1 Are you one of them? To offer you a little inspiration, we asked Boiron employees what their goals are and how they plan to reach them.

Candy, Branch Manager – California

What is your New Year’s resolution for 2017?
Change my lifestyle, my routine.

How do you expect to achieve this goal/resolution?
Add new behaviors into my life.

If you were to give yourself a mantra/motto to help you achieve this goal, what would it be?
“Stop and smell the roses.”

What support do you need to achieve your goal/resolution?
1. Join a program for healthy choices.
2. Find a class to take violin lessons.
What will be your biggest obstacle?
Myself—learning to let go of the old and welcoming the “new.”

Our Suggestion

Learning the violin sounds like a lot of fun. Candy knows if she experiences any aches and pains while enjoying her new activity, she’ll have Arnica montana to help relieve muscle pain and stiffness.*

Matt, Customer Service – Delaware

What is your New Year’s resolution for 2017?
I want to spend more time with my wife and puppy dogs.

How do you expect to achieve this goal/resolution?
I’m going to try and not push myself so hard. In past years, I’ve tried to appease others. This year I want to slow down and enjoy life.

If you were to give yourself a mantra/motto to help achieve this goal, what would it be?
I usually find good stuff in fortune cookies, but my favorite quote is from “Deep Kick” by the Red Hot Chili Peppers: “It’s better to regret something you did than something you didn’t do.”

What support do you need to achieve your goal/resolution?
My wife, job and family

What will be your biggest obstacle?
Finding a way to better manage my time.

Nancy, Marketing – Pennsylvania

What is your New Year’s resolution for 2017?
Declutter my life. I’m a pack rat and have a hard time getting rid of things, but I’m running out of space to keep it all. My goal is to get rid of the clutter.

How do you expect to achieve this goal/resolution?
This was really my goal for 2016 and I have spent the whole year mentally preparing myself to be able to upcycle, recycle and rid myself of so many objects.

If you were to give yourself a mantra/motto to help achieve this goal, what would it be?
“It will be okay.”

What support do you need to achieve your goal/resolution?
A friend gave me a book by Marie Kondo, I’ve started reading it and believe this will help.

What will be your biggest obstacle?
Me and my desire to hold onto everything I’ve ever owned.

Our Suggestion

Nancy, when you are stressed over whether or not to get rid of something, close your eyes and take a deep breath as you repeat your mantra. Of course, keeping a box of Sedalia® handy will help relieve nervousness, hypersensitivity, irritability and fatigue due to stress.*

For everyone, no matter what your goals, we hope you make it a happy and healthy 2017!

*These “Uses” have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


1.New Years Resolution Statistics. (2017, January 1). Retrieved January 04, 2017, from Statistic Brain Research Institute

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