Let’s Explore Some Single Medicines That Can Provide Allergy-Symptom Relief

Last updated on June 6th, 2022 at 02:58 pm

When it comes to allergies, there are single homeopathic medicines that can cover a wide range of symptoms and some that offer relief based solely on an individual’s specific set of symptoms.

Take Histaminum hydrochloricum for instance. Histaminum, a homeopathic preparation of histamine, is one of the main single medicines for symptoms of allergic reactions because an allergic reaction always involves increased production of histamine in the body whatever the cause may be. Therefore, Histaminum is routinely given for any symptom of allergic reaction like hay fever, rashes, or hives.* Because the similarity between the cause (production of histamine) and the medicine (Histaminum) is high, then a high dilution (30C) can be used.

Note that some allergy reactions are life-threatening. Get emergency help immediately if you experience hives along with trouble swallowing, dizziness or loss of consciousness, swelling of the tongue, swelling in and around the mouth, trouble speaking, drooling or wheezing, or breathing problems.

There are other single medicines that target main symptoms of allergies such as Apis mellifica. Apis is made from the honeybee and relieves congestion of mucus membranes (nose, sinuses and eyelids) and the stinging pain that accompanies them.* Homeopathic medicines such as Galphimia glauca are made from flowering plants known to be powerful allergens. Galphimia is made from shower of gold shrub and has been shown in several clinical studies to relieve symptoms of hay fever.* Low dilutions such as 6C address more local symptoms (those that you can point to on the body with your finger).

Homeopathic medicines should be matched to symptoms typically experienced by an allergy-sufferer. You can use our free Boiron Medicine Finder to guide your selection:

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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12 thoughts on “Let’s Explore Some Single Medicines That Can Provide Allergy-Symptom Relief”

  1. HELP!! my husband has become allergic to pet dander. I had your pet allergy tabs and they helped him enormously. However there are none at any of the stores near us or on line. They have the liquid, which he cannot take. He is severely asthmatic, and has bone cancer. Do you have the tabs? Or not making them anymore and why not? or maybe it’s just Montana ?
    Let me know please. I am giving him indoor, and outdoor, Cold CAlm and Stress Calm. and histaminum, also aconite and Bryonia which stopped the strokes he was having ! Praise God.. However the coughing from the dander problem is hard on us. Thank YOu.. Merry Cristmas !

  2. Susan Rosengrant

    Hello! I have bought and utilized your products for more years than I can count! I have built up a Boiron “pharmacy” of sorts in our house and am in desperate need to storage containers like your older First Aid kit that has spaces for remedies and is made of plastic. I need LARGE storage as I have probably 100 or so Boiron blue and purple tubes. Do you have something for sale and how much would they be. Can I buy them somewhere or online from you? I do not want the display containers like I see at my health food store as I need to be able to lay the “box ” or container flat. And because I need the container for the tubes I already have, I do not want to purchase a box that already has remedies in it. Thank you so much!

  3. V Venkataraman

    Hi Doctor,

    I am suffering from wheezing past 10 years now on a daily having Monticope Tablet is an anti-allergic medication that contains Levocetirizine and Montelukast on daily basis past 1 year without tablet days are not moving. Kindly suggest anyone medician control wheezing to stop allopathy tablet.

  4. Pamela Montagnino

    I have been taking histamine hydrochloric 6 c for quite a few years now when my allergies act up. I find that I can increase just a little bit by taking 6 or 7 of them which works great for me but with the 30 c I cannot increase as it is too much for my body. I don’t see the 6 c on line and in my local store I only now see the lavender container instead of the blue one which I am used to. There were no directions as to how much to take of what is in the lavender container. Any suggestions for me?

  5. Layla Ruckman

    Hi, I have an allergic reaction to a bleach product I put on the ends of my hair(thankfully not my scalp). I now have red itchy bumps/hives on my neck. What can I use to help calm this down? Thanks

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