Boiron Has a New President & CEO

Last updated on October 24th, 2022 at 10:38 am

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Janick Boudazin as our new president and CEO. Janick, 44, joined Boiron in 1995 as an intern while completing his doctorate of pharmacy degree at Nantes University in France. In 1999, he transferred to the U.S. and worked as the branch manager before becoming the director of medical development. He brings extensive product and operational knowledge to his new role as president, along with an intense dedication to homeopathy.

Janick Boudazin

“There is a rising awareness of homeopathy happening nationwide,” says Janick. “Health care professionals, especially pediatricians and nurses, are embracing natural medicines more and more. Consumers are looking for safe, natural and reliable choices when it comes to treatment options for themselves and their family members. Homeopathic medicines fulfill this important niche.”

With a passion for people, Janick is also enthusiastic about food, books, running, soccer, and Bruce Springsteen since first hearing his music in 1980. “He puts heart into his work and seems to be a stand-up guy. I admire him for that,” he says. Residing in Media, Pa. with his wife and three children, Janick’s weekends are filled with soccer and other family activities. “You know what it’s like to have teenagers,” he says. “It’s a busy but good life.”

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