Last updated on July 22nd, 2022 at 04:53 pm

Summer is unofficially over and by now the kids have all gone back to school. A new school year not only beckons in new routines, but also marks the start of the dreaded cough, cold and flu season. Because children tend not to practice good hygiene habits like washing their hands or covering their noses and mouths when they sneeze or cough, they’re more susceptible to these illnesses. And when the kids get sick that can wreak havoc on the household. One of the best ways to fight off illnesses is to address them at the first sign of symptoms. Help your family the natural way with these non-drowsy homeopathic medicines:
- Children’s Chestal Honey Cough & Chest Congestion—When your little one can’t sleep because of a barking cough, try Children’s Chestal Honey Cough & Chest Congestion for relief.* The multi-symptom syrup relieves all types of common coughs due to minor throat and bronchial irritation that can occur with a cold, including dry, wet, croupy, night and day coughs.* Children especially appreciate the medicine’s sweet honey taste, while parents like that it’s free of artificial colors, flavors and PPA. Children’s Chestal Honey Cough & Chest Congestion can be used by children 2 years of age and older.
- Children’s Coldcalm Pellets— On average, children get six to 10 colds per year, so having a medicine like Children’s Coldcalm Pellets can help you relieve cold symptoms at every stage.* The sweet-tasting, kid-friendly pellets temporarily relieve sneezing, runny nose, nasal congestion and minor sore throat.* Recommended for children 3 and up, Children’s Coldcalm Pellets require no water, chewing or swallowing so it’s ideal for the on-the-go family.
- Oscillococcinum— When you or your little one gets that run down feeling, take Oscillococcinum to quickly nip those flu-like symptoms in the bud. For more than 80 years, families around the world have relied on Oscillococcinum to reduce both the duration and severity of flu and flu-like symptoms, such as body aches, headache, fever, chills and fatigue.* The pleasant-tasting pellets have no known drug interactions and it can be taken by those age 2 to 102.
For more tips on how to stay healthy all season long, visit
*These “Uses” have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.