Relief When You’re More Stuffed than a Turkey

Last updated on July 21st, 2022 at 02:11 pm

Even if you enjoy the holidays a little too much, homeopathic medicines can offer relief.

When it comes to overindulging, two days stand out on the calendar – the night before Thanksgiving and the holiday itself.

Thanksgiving eve is one of the biggest party nights of the year. And everyone knows about the avalanche of food available on Thanksgiving dinner tables.  There are plenty of ways to overdo it. But thanks to homeopathic medicine, you can relieve the aftereffects.

Nux vomica relieves nausea, acid indigestion, hangovers, and most importantly, an upset stomach from overindulgence in food and drink. It also works when you feel a bit drowsy after a heavy meal like your Thanksgiving feast.*

Antimonium crudum relieves indigestion from eating too much, especially rich or acidic foods or cured meat.*

Carbo vegetablis relieves an intense flushing of the face, aggravated by drinking wine or spirits, and improved by being fanned.*

Kali bichromicum relieves indigestion, nausea and vomiting from intolerance to beer.*

Pulsatilla relieves nausea caused by eating too much fatty food or ice cream, with bloating and belching.*

And what would Thanksgiving be without football? If you decide to play a game with cousins and siblings, make sure you have Arnicare Gel nearby to soothe your aching muscles and relieve your bruises.*

Need more info? Use Boiron’s Medicine Finder app ( to pinpoint your symptoms and find the right medicine in just three clicks.

*These “Uses” have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.


Even the most disciplined person can get caught up in the spirit of holidays and familial celebrations. Homeopathy expert Joette Calabrese says homeopathic medicines can alleviate a number of symptoms related to overindulgence.


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