Popular Boston Pharmacist Offers Tips for Treating Seasonal Allergies

Last updated on September 20th, 2022 at 09:59 am

Last week, the New York Times reported climate changes are creating longer allergy seasons. And data shows that pollen is not only more prevalent in today’s environment as a result of the effects of carbon dioxide and greenhouse exposure, but pollen proteins are more potent. If seasonal allergy symptoms affect you or your family members, tune into “Better” tomorrow to watch Dr. Gary  Kracoff offer several solutions, including homeopathic medicines like Allium cepa for runny nose, Apis mellifica for nasal congestion, Sabadilla for sneezing and an itchy throat, and Euphrasia officinalis for watery eyes. Visit www.better.tv and use the “Check Local Listings” drop-down box to find out when the segment will be aired in your local area, or use the search term, “Gary Kracoff,” to view the segment online.

About Dr. Kracoff: Dr. Gary Kracoff is a registered pharmacist with a doctorate in naturopathic medicine. He frequently lectures at pharmacy, medical and health-oriented conferences, and is an educator at the Academy of Integrative Medicine. For 25 years, he has been counseling his patients at Johnson Compounding & Wellness Center in Boston on foods to eat, supplements to take, and homeopathic medicines that work.

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1 thought on “Popular Boston Pharmacist Offers Tips for Treating Seasonal Allergies”

  1. One of the the nice blog i came across so far. Thanks for publishing such a nice blog over treatment of seasonal allergies using Compound Pharmacy.Seasonal disease of Pets can also be treated using Veterinary Compounding.

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