Aging Well with Homeopathy

Last updated on September 17th, 2020 at 07:01 pm

You already know that a sensible diet and regular exercise can help you enjoy good health at all stages of life. With so many advances in health care and science, many people are living healthy and active lives beyond the age of retirement. But certain issues — like joint pain, grief, and sleep troubles — can cause life to flow a little less smoothly in later years.

If you or a loved one need help dealing with these challenges, homeopathy can offer support. Watch this video with homeopathy expert and author Joette Calabrese, HMC, CCH, RSHom(Na) to find out which single medicines she recommends to help with life’s transition including Ignatia amara, Natrum muriaticum, Rhus tox, Coffea cruda, and Arnica montana.

You can find these and other Boiron single medicines in a store near you.

*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.

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