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You Chose: First Aid - Skin > Itching > None of the above
Warnings & Information

Itching can have many causes. Do not damage the skin to avoid superinfection or lesions that can mask important signs. An allergic reaction can be caused by clothing, detergents, perfumes, animal dander, etc. See a doctor if itching recurs often, if skin lesions (blisters, rashes, vesicles, etc.) appear, or if itching doesn't stop or worsens.

Itching can have many causes. Do not damage the skin to avoid superinfection or lesions that can mask important signs. An allergic reaction can be caused by clothing, detergents, perfumes, animal dander, etc. See a doctor if itching recurs often, if skin lesions (blisters, rashes, vesicles, etc.) appear, or if itching doesn't stop or worsens.
  • Boiron Product Options
  • Image for Dolichos pruriens 6C
    Dolichos pruriens 6C**
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    Dolichos pruriens relieves intense itching, worse at night.
    Dissolve 5 pellets under the tongue every hour. Decrease frequency with improvement.
DISCLAIMER: The information provided by Boiron’s Homeopathic Medicine Finder is not intended to replace information supplied by your health care professional. It is also not intended to replace packaging inserts or other printed materials that may be available or accompany a particular medicine.
*Claims based on traditional homeopathic practice, not accepted medical evidence. Not FDA evaluated.
**C, K, CK, and X are homeopathic dilutions. Learn more.