Healthy Herbal Traditions II Workshop Highlights

Medicinal Garden at

Healthy Herbal Traditions II workshop was held at Rodale Institute on Saturday, August 29.  Jeff Moyer, interim executive director of the institute, opened the morning workshop with a warm welcome and overview of the institute’s work and mission. Boiron pharmacist Christophe Merville, D. Pharm., provided an introduction to homeopathy and its long history of use. Rachael Pontillo, a holistic health and skincare educator, led the workshop on how Calendula officinalis (Garden marigold) can be incorporated into a natural skincare regime and demonstrated how to make a salve and ointment using an infused tincture. The Calendula used for the workshop was grown, harvested, and dried from the Boiron Medicinal Garden, located on the grounds of the Institute. Rodale’s plant production specialist Maggie Saska and Christophe took participants on a tour of the medicinal garden and surrounding area to offer a closer look at more healing herbs in homeopathy and answer additional questions. All participants received a Calendula jar of salve and bottle of oil made during the class plus a goody bag containing a Rodale herb book and selection of Boiron Calendula and Arnicare medicines.

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